Gem on the Hill

I’m feeling so grateful to have been included & invited to share some words on this unforgettable day in Dorchester, MA. Today 4 incredible, proud, beautiful and resilient women received their graduation certificates from Women@Work Plus employment training program at St. Mary’s Center for Women and Children! Awe inspiring in every way.

Women@Work is a 22-week employment readiness training program in a supportive, nurturing environment that fosters personal growth and empowerment. The participants have each encountered unique challenges to employment and self-sufficiency & have committed to the program as a steppingstone to achieving personal goals for growth, continued education and employment.

I was able to gift a special pair of handmade rose quartz earrings to each graduate as a symbol of unconditional love for oneself, and a natural extension of the work that W@W is doing in supporting attainment of self-confidence and self-respect in order to live healthy, fulfilling and independent lives. My project is called “Gem on the Hill.” Thank you St. Mary’s Center! I am so excited to have started my journey as a supporter and major fan of the work that you do.

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Shira Brown