Dream Flight Day with Above the Clouds

Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.
— Leonardo da Vinci

What an honor and a privilege to participate during Dream Flight Day, hosted on April 15, 2023 by Above the Clouds!

ATC is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2012 with the mission of bringing joy and hope through the wonder of flight to children and teens who have serious illness such as cancer, suffer from disabilities, are underserved or are facing some form of adversity. The kids are referred by schools, camps, medical homes and local human service agencies.

Dream Flight day begins with a warm and enthusiastic greeting from community volunteers ringing bells, holding colorful signs and cheering for each child, one by one, as they approach the airport and greet their pilot! Each child then experiences a short meeting where they learn a thing or two about flying and chart out their flight path! Alongside their pilot, the kids head onto the ramp where they check out the aircraft and climb into the cockpit, sometimes with a parent or sibling hopping in the back. Up, up and away each child goes, experiencing 30 minutes of pure joy in the friendly sky, far away from any troubles, sadness and stress.

Watching young faces transform from nervous and unsure to awestruck and delighted was nothing short of magical. The smiles were unforgettable. Each child leaves with their “Clouds” jacket and aviator shades, as they walk away with their face just a little but brighter and their chin turned up just a little bit higher.

I was so grateful for this special opportunity to participate as a volunteer alongside my husband, and I look forward to continuing my involvement with this incredible group of people. ATC is only possible because of the squadron of volunteer pilots and community members who show up with full tanks and giving hearts.

You can help by learning more about ATC and spreading the word! Visit www.abovethecloudskids.org for more information and look for my “Jewelry for a Cause” tagline in the shop to purchase from a selection of pieces that help benefit this beautiful organization.